Overview of stock market in bangladesh

By: LeXuZZ Date: 18.06.2017

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EWU Institutional Repository An Overview of Bangladesh Stock Market. JavaScript is disabled for your browser.

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Some features of this site may not work without it. An Overview of Bangladesh Stock Market.

The stock market plays various roles in an economy. It acts as an intermediary between surplus units and deficit units of the economy and facilitates savings into investments.

Presentation on bangladesh stock market

Also by providing liquidity of these in vestments, the stock market ensures optimum allocation of resources. All these activities make it the engine for the growth of the economy. Stock market in Bangladesh is not yet to play its potential role as a vehicle for financing long term investment.

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However, the hangover of an unpalatable historical past which saw a dramatic plunge in the second half of and starting of 20 II only to be followed by a drastic downswing has been successfully trying to overcome.

A number of actions from the regulatory bodies were the mam reason of losing public confidence from the stock market. Frequently changing the policy and poor response of institutional investors, merchant banks and commercial banks in the crisis period make the market unstable.

Internship Report On Current Stock Market of Bangladesh | Sultan Khan - ronoxivipyr.web.fc2.com

It is surprising that "excess liquidity" has suddenly disappeared. It was available there in the market before demand for shares had exceeded supply thereof.

overview of stock market in bangladesh

It resulted into over-heating of the market several weeks back. Overheating of the market did not happen in one day or one week or one month; it happened during the last several months. But such a shortage of liquidity is the effect of "over regulation" by Securities and Exchange Commission SEC , the stock market regulator,and Bangladesh Bank BB , the monetary watchdog, due to their not regulating in a right way it the right time.

This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor in Business Administration of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Search DSpace Search DSpace This Collection. Contact Us Send Feedback.

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