Expired stock options in quicken

By: bigbigdady Date: 10.06.2017

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Community powered support for Quicken. Community Home Quicken for Mac: Managing Investments - Mac. Add capability to enter stock options and restricted stock units grants in Quicken for Mac. Add the capability in Quicken for Mac to enter stock options and restricted stock grants just like Quicken for Windows has.

Guvenc Sisman Points. All 7 Replies Popular. David Giramma Points. I just migrated my account information from Quicken for Windows over to Quicken for Mac Everything came over mostly clean except for my stock option account, which was and is a complete disaster. Can Quicken at least provide some guidance on how to deal with stock options manually?

Giovanni Cano 94 Points.

TMF: Re: Tracking Option Assignments in Quicken / Mastering Quicken

Please provide us with the ETA for the ESOG function for MAC. Raf Vijgen Points. Was very disappointed to discover there is no support for stock options in Quicken for Mac - after I purchased the product. Can Quicken provide a statement as to when this will be supported?

Without it, investment tracking is incomplete to say the least. Brian Barrett Points. I have found it difficult to clean up the existing transactions.. Can be done when they expire. Whats really odd is detailed option transactions do not get loaded into quicken, however from the portfolio view the holding is there.

This tells me Quicken is looking at detailed info and summary account info -- i use etrade. So i manually add the detailed transactions in order to match the portfolio view.

However still seems to be some issues with 1 option which represents shares.. Yes quicken for Mac Here's what i found. However for options, what happens as best i can tell is quicken also receives a overall account sync. So even though the detailed transaction for an options trade doesn't come through, the overall account picks the option trade up.

You can see that in the portfolio view.

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Then you can use the right commands to create the transaction.. I still think there is a problem with cost basis..

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So i am not sure how complete all the info is, but right now for me I have been able to manually add my option trades. I hope this helps.. Thanks for the reply. I have submitted an enhancement request for option support with Quicken Support.

Hopefully they'll add it soon! That would be nice.. I hope they address this as well! Andy Swanson Points. I find Quicken for Mac support for options to be a great improvement over Quicken which I recently upgraded from.

However, it does not see to read the transactions, so I have to enter them by hand - though I can use the portfolio view to automatically get most of the information correct. However - there are problems with 1 contract being equivalent to shares of the underlying stock. It seems to understand this when adding a new transaction or maybe when modifying an existing transaction - I don't remember at the moment which one works correctly. In any case I've always been able to make the transactions in the register come out correct in terms of number of contracts, price, and change in cash.

My problem is in the portfolio view.

Oddly, it gets the current value correct. It also produces odd blips in my total portfolio value graph on days when options are bought, sold, assigned or expired. Otherwise my total portfolio value is correct. Agree QM has difficulties handling option transactions. No doubt if you are going to do lots of options QW is by far more suited for the effort.

After much experimentation here is what I do: Don't have experience with PUTs in QM17 but half sold covered calls. Totally agree that Qm has its issues handling options. I set up the transaction as a sell of shares cause thats the way QM likes to see it. I know what I I got for each contract so the transaction is correct.. The cost basis info will not be reflected in the Portfolio view but as long as its accurate I am good to go.

I buy the call back.. Then in order for it to show properly in the tax schedule I modify the sell transaction to short sell. The most glaring IMHO is the inability to sell individual lots.. Mike Lane 92 Points. MSecurities options do download to portfolio view but not as a transaction. When you add cost for 2 options on the portfolio side the transaction side shows Not a problem except now the portfolio is off by fold. I have same issue with long options. TDAmeritrade also has variance.

This was not a problem in Windows version. Jeff King Points. This is a must have feature for stock grants and options. No warning when migrating from quicken for PC.

Quicken team, please provide an estimate on when it'll be supported. Rich Cook Points. Don't hold your breath. I don't think they read this stuff. Just a place to funnel off discontent. Mark Liberty 70 Points.

Options Expiration & Assignment

This only works on the PC version. It sounds like I should run Quicken on Windows in VirtualBox eh? I'll give it a shot.

Mark Liberty - thanks for researching. However employee stock grants are different.

The problem is with open market puts and calls. They are added to portfolio in QMac at one valuation and when you add a transaction to balance you cannot sync the number of shares and price per. Each option represents shares.

expired stock options in quicken

So reconciling the portfolio with the transaction quantity or price per is off by fold. This was not a problem in QWin. Will Fiveash Points. I'm facing the same issue in that I have employer granted stock options that I can see in my brokerage account. While quicken for Mac is able to download most of the holdings in that account it ignores the stock options which is irritating as I am not able to accurately view my total finances in quicken.

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